Monday 12 October 2015


I thought it would be appropriate to start researching illegal passports as we decided that we want to feature the business of making illegal passports, trafficking migrants and the outcome of making illegal passports in terms of the money made.

Below is a SlideShare I have made showcasing my research of illegal passports. SlideShare is a really useful tool as it allows me to present PowerPoint presentations I have made in my HTML format whilst using a vibrant array of formats, colours and fonts making it eye-catching, unique and original.

Below is a video on how easy it is to make illegal passports and sell them on the 'black market'.

Below is a BBC video that features the recent topical refugee and migrant crisis taking place in Athens, Greece and explains whether it is easy for migrants to gain illegal passports in Athens from criminal 'gangs' preying on vulnerable, desperate and helpless migrants wanting to gain asylum.

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