Tuesday 27 October 2015


I completed filming a selection of warehouse scenes with the characters Aaron, Sydney and The Ghost involved. We filmed a variety of scenes at the warehouse including:

1. A scene between Sydney and both the female and male refugees commanding to them that they should obey her to receive their passports.
2. A scene between Aaron and Sydney with Sydney handing over a bag of illegal passports and large quantities of money from successfully selling illegal passports to migrants and refugees.
3. A scene between Aaron and Sydney where he hits her with a brick causing her death - we thought it would be appropriate to film this in 'photograph-like snipits' ellipses of jump cuts to create a slow-motion feel, similar to slow motion fight scenes in the film Sherlock Holmes (2009).

Below are two videos of the Sherlock Holmes film fight scenes. I have noticed similarity between both ours and the professional film.


Editing process on Photovisi

Below I made a collage on the photo editing tool Photovisi using a variety of different photos taken whilst filming the warehouse scenes. Photovisi is an extremely useful tool, like PicMonkey I used in previous posts, that allows you to create a photo collage using not only photographs you have taken but also photographs you have uploaded to social media platforms including Twitter and Instagram. I hope to make use of this tool in future posts.

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