Friday 9 October 2015


My film project group and I finished our final storyline. We completed it on GoogleDocs.

HERE is a link to my film project groups GoogleDocs page. It is also displayed in the top right hand corner of my blog list -->

Outline of our film trailer treatment on GoogleDocs

Key information about my film trailer including cast, dates in storyline and locations in storyline

Whilst we were planning our final story outline of our trailer we decided that it would appropriate to start initial research of a possible location we could use for a roof top scene in London. Although this is early research and we will come back to continue more research of possible locations, due to time restraints in Half Term we needed to know whether using a location in such as busy, unpredictable area like London would be possible. Thinking about possible inconveniences such as lighting, wild sound and mise-en-scene that could make a negative impact on our filming, we all agreed that it would be convenient for us to plan ahead and make sure that locations were free for filming.

I therefore decided to research a potential location in London via the Internet. Demi, a member of my film trailer project group, said that she knew of a possible location we could film a roof top scene at, however due to possible inconveniences such as the location not being free when we want to request it, I thought it would be convenient if I researched for other locations in London. I found a recommendation of a roof top location called One New Exchange in the SoHo area of London that overlooks landmarks such as St Paul's Cathedral - this in turn would influence a sense of spectacle and awe into our film trailer as famous London landmarks would be used. Also the reviews on the website listed below were positive in terms of the clear view without any obstructions such as cranes (however, this could be topical due to the changing landscape of the city), One New Exchange was clean and had friendly staff that would give you permission to film.

HERE is a link to the website (Trip Advisor) that provided recommendations of roof top locations in Central London.

Roof top scene possible location I found on the Internet

HERE is a link to the website that is a possible location for shooting a roof top scene.

Views from the roof top - we could possibly use this in our film trailer

Views from the roof top - we could possibly have this in our film trailer

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