Friday 2 October 2015


Since the success of completing a previous course on FutureLearn run by the National Film and Television School focussing on filmmaking I decided to sign up to another FutureLearn course. 
This is my evaluation of the overview of the previous FutureLearn course I completed on filmmaking
I signed up to a film course on FutureLearn focussing on the gaining of practical skills and insights into journalism, and use digital and social media to create my own news website (HERE is the link to my blog post). 

Unfortunately, the film's date hasn't been released yet and with the year progressing quickly I decided that it would be appropriate to sign up to a recent, released course that I can complete whilst I wait for the release date for my original course to be announced. 

I signed up to a film course on FutureLearn that the University of Birmingham, the BBC Academy and Creative Skillset are running focussing on filmmaking theories and practices, how they interact to produces effective, believable and meaningful stories therefore helping me to develop short films for digital platforms. I will also be covering many issues whilst completing the course including critical thinking issues, story structure, film style, genre, ethics, legalities as well as practicalities for camera, sound and lighting.

I understand this would be incredibly appropriate in relation to my A2 Media Studies course as it incorporates making either a short film or trailer as well as a poster and magazine cover for digital platforms; this would be really useful for me allowing me to learn valuable skills I can put into practice.           

The course is 4 weeks long and I will aim to be completing 3 hours of work every week on the course - receiving a certificate for completing the course. 

I have tweeted via Twitter about signing up to this 4 week course on my Twitter page - as seen on the right hand side twitter feed (scroll down to find tweet and shown below). I will be updating my Twitter feed every week I complete tasks making use of different media platforms and interest in media platforms, news events and media related subjects.

1 comment:

  1. As I'm following this course myself, I can concur that several aspects will be useful, not just the practical guidance about how to develop a 'topline' and the 'big question' in a film. For instance, the exploration of Stuart Hall's reception theory will revise our current work.
    Well done for signing up, Kate. You have a work ethic second to none and you deserve to do well.
