Tuesday 20 October 2015


Due to my film trailer being largely inspired by the Scandinavian Noir genre, I thought it would be appropriate to find some inspiration of picturesque landscape that appears to look moody, haunting and atmospheric that is common in Scandinavian Noir genre.

HERE is a blog post I wrote on independently researching the Scandinavian Noir genre featuring time lapses.
From completing research, as linked above, I have realised that commonly in the text of the Scandinavian Noir genre including films (and film trailers), television series (and television series trailers) and music videos all largely feature the dark, brooding, haunting and mysterious Scandinavian landscapes of Sweden, Denmark and Finland.
I decided that I would capture time lapses, slow motion footage, panoramic photos and tracking shots of Aberporth Beach, West Wales when the weather was slightly misty just before the light was fading similar to footage in the Scandinavian Noir genre. This provides me with more inspiration for my film trailer.

I documented this on my Twitter feed - located on the right hand side of my blog roll --->


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