Friday 23 October 2015


Whilst writing blog posts recently I have been making use of audioBoom. This is a free online website, much like SoundCloud, but you can listen to Podcasts and radio interviews from radio shows such as the BBC radio stations. 

audioBoom came to my attention when I was completing the final week of Future Learn: From Script to Screen film making course last year. I thought this site was incredibly interesting as I can post audioBoom posts or just simply listen to other peoples. 

An audioBoom account (as shown below) that I find interesting is the BBC Radio 4: The Media Show. This account/channel covers news regarding the media such as topics covered in the newspaper as well as discussions. 

I have recently listened to this discussion on BBC Radio 4: The Media Show covering the role of advertisers and editors on British drama. They also covered the limitations of editing and advertising including 'phone ins' from professionals in the media industry addressing their views. 

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