Friday 30 October 2015


I have been completing the first week of my FutureLearn film course on Digital Storytelling in association with the University of Birmingham. Since completing research on the Scandi Noir Genre I have been becoming more familiar with the genre and have been trying to watch texts of the genre such as film trailers, films, television trailers and television series. I have trying to interconnect and tie in my research and 'knowledge' of the Scandi Noir genre with my film course especially when being asked questions about what audiences' want and what makes a storyline special.
Getting involved in the discursive element of the course really interests me as I can share my views and answers to questions with people across the globe completing the same course as me; therefore they probably share the same interests as me. This is incredibly useful as through discussion new ideas can be made.

I am documenting my FutureLearn film course on my Twitter feed on the right hand side of my blog roll --> or HERE is a link to my Twitter page. I update my feed with information relating to the course every time I complete a step or week of my course. Once I have completed my course I will be able to buy a certificate of completion; I have previously completed a FutureLearn film course last year and bought a certificate of completion as well.

Below are some examples of my responses to questions I have been asked to discuss on my FutureLearn film course:

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