Thursday 22 October 2015


In order to gather inspiration for each characters props and costume, I created a board on Pinterest for the character the Male Refugee. 

The character the Male Refugee is portrayed in the film trailer as a caring, sympathetic and emotional man who is extremely protective of her husband; who is equally as protective, caring and thoughtful towards her as well. He has vacated and escaped his home country because him and his wife feared persecution based on their race, place in society, religion, minority (or social group); all of which was accumulated and exasperated due to a civil war making their home hostile, unsafe and a danger.

HERE is a link to a blog post I wrote about why illegal passports are made and why people such as refugees want to buy them.
Using Pinterest not only for the character of the Male Refugee but also for the whole cast of my film trailer helped me gain a better idea of how each character would dress, act and what props they would use. I have a better idea of what kind of mood they would influence the film trailer, for example a mysterious, illusive, haunting and 'hidden' due to influence of an illegal trade such as trafficking refugees.
Pinterest is a useful as it allows me to collect a vast amount of photographs, GIFs and videos on a particular topic or person in culture and society; I can also follow other people on Pinterest gaining inspiration globally and connecting with people who may have 'pinned' the same photo(s).
HERE is a blog post on how I made GIFs - similar to the format of photos I find on Pinterest and due researching how to make GIFs I can make a GIF with videos and photographs I take whilst filming my film trailer or photographs I have come across on Pinterest; gaining more inspiration.

Below is my Pinterest board for the character of the Male Refugee - HERE is link to the board.

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