Monday 19 October 2015


Previously to film my group made a trip to Peacocks Shopping Centre car park in Woking, Surrey to check whether filming the car park would be appropriate, fit our vision of filming and also make us aware of how the scene would look like visually both in the construction stages as well as what it may look like against other scenes when being edited.

We agreed that prior to filming the location had to be near empty as it we didn't want any disturbances such as members of the public being in shot without permission as well as cars driving past the camera making it go out of focus and disturb the action being captured. We wanted the car park to be a large size with little to no people creating a haunting, empty and vulnerable feel, similar to the atmosphere created at the church (HERE is a link to my post on the location recce I completed previous to filming at the church and HERE is a link to my post on filming the grave yard scene at the church) making Aaron seem alone, vacant and lonely.

Back section of car park

Front section of car park

Side section of car park

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