Tuesday 27 October 2015


After filming the warehouse scene, Demi, Sophie, Marcus and I filmed scenes between Aaron and Chris. Aaron is wanting to have questions answered by Chris in relation to his sister Sydney's death. 

The editing process on Photo Collage
Below I made a photo collage on a new website I have recently found called Photo Collage. It is similar to Photovisi and PicMonkey; Photo Collage is useful as it allows me to create a selection of differently formatted photo collages using a variety of different photos I have taken. It is quick, simple and easy to use, I will be making use of this editing tool in future blog posts of the construction stage.

Below are some videos I recorded whilst filming on my iPhone: 

Below are a selection of videos I recorded on Snapchat - similar to vlogger and YouTuber Casey Neistat (HERE is a blog post I wrote about his popular vlogging): 

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