Friday 18 September 2015


A Whatsapp group was created for my group to stay in touch on our iPhones whilst we complete our film trailer project. Whatsapp will allow to keep in touch 'on the go' allowing us to send short 'snip its' of information to each other on the move; getting a quick response in return. I created a GoogleDocs page for us to share slightly larger amounts of information compared to our chat of Whatsapp where we can send short one word responses. We will be sharing information such as short quotes or photos that we could possibly use as inspiration for our trailer.

I made the photo above using Fotor; taking a photo on my iPhone of holding my phone with the Whatsapp group chat on the screen. I then imported the photo into Fotor and began to adapt the transparency of the photo; increasing the photos vibrancy and then dimming its opacity. I then moved it onto a background of the a New York/San Fransisco street adding 2 titles and the Whatsapp website at the bottom. Fotor is an extremely useful tool as I can easily, quickly edit photos making them look eye-catching as well as presenting them in a format that I have never done before. Fotor is completely new to me so I look forward to using this tool more in the future.

The template with added text (but without the edited photo)

The finished template with the edited photo

1 comment:

  1. Great use of new technology and beautifully presented! You explain your processes meticulously.
