I watched a short film Next Door (2014). The film explores a stereotypical 'geek' male's 'stalker' behaviour towards his female next door neighbour, Destiny; displaying his increasing need and want to find a girlfriend by intensely watching the television show, 3 Guys 1 Girl on the TV Channel DAVE. The town that the two neighbours live in is revealed in the short film as a dangerous, unstable location where the residence are in dispute with the government or authority. Even though the film is ultimately set in two main locations: the males open plan ground floor of his house as well as the two neighbours residential street, the violent, dangerous outbursts of violence between the residence and the authority influences suspense amongst the audience. This makes the audience feel on edge as they are unaware of what is going to appear next in the film in terms of violence, blood and shooting.
The film appears to have a twist at the beginning. For example suddenly a gun is shot and sharp piece of rock shoots through the glass window of the males house. This is unexpected as the serene almost clinical, minimal white decorated house is destroyed by an unexpected terrorist-like attack. This adds enigma, making the audience believe their is a twist in the story due to the unexpected bomb.
The slow motion 'flashback' between the two neighbours is an example of the geeky, males dream. He dreams of his next door neighbour, who has been exposed as a terrorist, being his girlfriend. He basis his dream of their relationship on the relationship, dating show he has been viewing on the television. The editing of the flashback: showing a quick edit of the two completing a scientific experiment together with a static version of the geeky, male witnessing their actions in the background. This adds a comedic element to the film, as personally I can't help but laugh at the males desperation; this also adds an element of sympathy towards him.
The use of CGI such as the computer generated map of the pair route to escape features animated footprints as if the two neighbours were walking together. This is portrayed in the geeky, males dream. This makes the dream appear to be twee, making the audience cringe at the bittersweetness of the situation: the males desperation and helplessness and the truth that the girl wouldn't even accept his offer of being her boyfriend.
The quick, fast paced shots of the pair trying to escape through the gated, barred areas in the residential street and shot adds suspense as the shots are low angled, dimly lit with low paced, slow, heavy beat music making it appear the pair are not safe and are in danger. Also the authorities are flying a helicopter shining their bright torch onto anybody who they suspect are trying to escape or cause mischief. This adds to the suspense and enigma as well as the audience doesn't know what is going to happen next or would question if anything is going to add to the twist made at the beginning.