Sunday 6 December 2015


In class today I began to experiment with Adobe Indesign.

After collecting thumbnails of social media platforms I can use on my film poster (and start updating to attract and address an audience with photographs and videos of the film trailers progress) such as Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook and writing the films credits and institutional information, I began to experiment on Adobe Indesign.

I experimented on Adobe Indesign to know what software is used by professionals and how they successfully use it to produce posters, like mine, to attract and address their target audience.

This was the photo I took in the previous lesson and imported it into Adobe Indesign

Below are the steps I took experimenting with Indesign to create a mock poster for A Question Of Identity. 

I learned how to add text to my page - the film title is seen above

I learned how to add a photo and project it through the text

I projected the trees from the image I took last lesson through the text

I learned how to change the shape of text - I could use this when I type out the title or actors/actresses/director/slogan/coming out date

My final poster with a title, photograph on the main protagonists, and institutional information and credits - I also experimented with other ways in which I can change the shape of text and add shapes to attract and address audiences.

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