Saturday 12 December 2015


My group and I looked briefly at the Legend film trailer via YouTube. I chose to analyse Legend (found HERE) as part of my six film trailer analysis' and thought the inter-titles font was extremely eye-catching, dominating and atmospheric due to the bold, opaque and square font depicting the actors and actresses names and slogans. Another aspect of the film trailer I thought was really unique was the word format of the principle actors name, for example 'Tom Hardy is Ronnie Kray' and 'Ton Hardy is Reggie Kray' - this informs the audience that one actor is playing the twins. I had never seen this before in any other film of the same genre and thought this would be fitting for my film trailer. I thought these two areas of the trailer successfully connote the genre and mood of the film that is similar to my murder, thriller film trailer; in turn this can be useful inspiration for font and word formats that would be appropriate for my film trailers inter-titles or films poster.

Example from my film trailer - using inspiration from Legend film

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