Tuesday 1 December 2015


Today we continued editing the completed footage uploaded onto the iMac using iMovie. My group and I want to create a smooth transition between each frame therefore making our film trailer easy to follow, understand and not jumpy. This is important as I want to audience/viewer to be able to follow the story line easily without getting distracted or confused with unnecessary transitions such as shots fading in and out creating a dodgy, unfocussed transition. 
I decided that when we come to making the soundtrack that it would be appropriate to to create a mix of melodies (making mashup music) for our film trailer, making ours orginal. For example I thought it would be fitting to amplify a constant beat of a keyboard rhythm whilst slightly muting a synthesised track in the background. I also thought about the wild sound of our thriller trailer such as walking of footsteps, wind and breathing, amplified and noticeable over the top of the music. I want to do this because I want to make Aaron's exhaustion and desperation noticeable by the exhausting journey he has taken to avenge his sisters death and find the killer.

I think my group and I want to have fast paced music to accompany the shots as it would suit the detective, thriller genre, theme and storyline of our film trailer - focussing on murder and the urgency to avenge loved ones death who was killed by a brutal, abusive attacker.

I also feel that the fast paced music would suit the fast paced shots such as Aaron running through open spaces such as carparks in dark, eerie and dangerous locations; this would also add even more pace to shot, also adding suspense and tension.
From completing my FutureLearn course and studying a weeks focus on copyright music, I will take the information I have learned into consideration.
HERE is a link to a blog post I wrote on copyright music during week 4 of my FutureLearn Digital Filmmaking course.

1 comment:

  1. Thoughtful planning. You give a reasoned account of your intentions. At A2, all music must be original, which means that copyright is not an issue.
