Thursday 7 January 2016


To show how I developed each characters backstory my group and I hot seated 3 main available characters that were key to the focus of the storyline. 

Demi hot seated Sydney (herself). I  got the idea from FilmEscape - found HERE

The character Sydney is portrayed in the film trailer as a girl who has been heavily influenced by her gaining of vast amounts of money illegally through the trafficking of refugees to the United Kingdom by selling illegal passports. As a result of getting involved in 'underground' gangs of criminals making illegal passports and selling them on for vast amounts of money she has gained a mentality and ego of an older, experienced woman; a huge change to a regular 19 year old female. She flouts the stereotype of a 19 year old drastically through her the way she dresses, her ego, advanced mentality and the lifestyle she has. She wears expensive brands and high quality diamond jewellery that she has bought from earning huge amounts of money illegally.

Below is the list of questions Sophie asked: 

1. Do you have any fears?

2. Do you have any secrets?
3. What would you say your skills are?
4. Do you have any hobbies?
5. Did your parents death affect you?
6. Who do you hang around with? Good or bad influences?


  1. To assist your reader, explain who 'Sydney' is in your film trailer. Have you scripted the responses? I look forward to seeing the video.

  2. I have edited it and added an introduction to each character explaining their roles.
