Friday 22 January 2016


Due to being on a University applicant day I was unable to attend filming in Esher. However, my group filmed Aaron in Esher sitting Café Nero pretending to read a newspaper. Aaron appears to be reading the newspaper, however he is watching The Ghost following his movement and changing locations. His main aim to find his sisters murderer.

Sophie got the idea of Aaron sitting reading a newspaper outside a coffee shop from the film Taken (Pierre Morel, 2008) starring Liam Neesona and Maggie Grace creating jeopardy and suspense, making the audience question what will happen next or Aarons safety being close to The Ghost.

Below is a collage of Sophie's idea being put into practice (taking inspiration, filming it and editing it into our film trailer). I made this collage on Photovisi.

Marcus, who plays Aaron, reading the newspaper outside a coffee shop - this is in the editing stages

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