Tuesday 2 February 2016


I am intending on making a QR code (Quick Response code) to put on my film poster.

HERE is a link to a blog post on planning my film poster.

My QR code will be personally customised so it leads to my film's trailer (final product). I will have this QR code on each of my social media platforms: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and my films website. Consumers/audiences will be able to scan their iPhone or smart phone camera on top of the personalised QR code quickly, efficiently and easily using the app that is either downloadable or permanently on their phone. Having this convention on my poster will attract and address not only my target audience but a wide, variety of people who may not be able to access my films social media platforms; they can receive related information using the code that will add to the buzz of the films distribution creating a new trend. I have been part of the QR code trend on film posters when I used my iPhone to scan a code on the Indiana Jones: The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, from there I was able to access relative information such as social media platforms and the films trailer. The films distributors successfully attracted and addressed my attention and allowed me to join a new revolutionary trend. The distributors also the code on the Wii game allowing consumers of the technology to scan their smart phones on the screen or Wii game packaging and view a variety of different material related to the film including the movie trailer; attracting and addressing a wider audience that are interested in not only the film industry but also the gaming industry.

Indiana Jones Wii QR Code

1 comment:

  1. Excellent research and implementation: you show knowledge of the use of QR codes in engaging audiences and you demonstrate your own plans to create synergy in your release strategy via the QR code.
