Thursday 7 January 2016


To show how I developed each characters backstory my group and I hot seated 3 main available characters that were key to the focus of the storyline. 

hot seated the Female Migrant (myself). I play the Female Migrant. I prepared for the hot seating challenge by getting in character and imagining how I would react or the thoughts I would have if I was a migrant in a new country seeking a home and support. I  got the idea from FilmEscape - found HERE

The character the Female Refugee is portrayed in the film trailer as a caring, sympathetic and emotional woman who is extremely protective of her husband; who is equally as protective, caring and thoughtful towards her as well. She has vacated and escaped her home country because she and her husband feared persecution based on their race, place in society, religion, minority (or social group); all of which was accumulated and exasperated due to a civil war making their home hostile, unsafe and a danger.

Below is the list of questions Sophie asked me: 


  1. So you play the part of the female migrant and you respond 'in role' to questions? How did you prepare for the quetions? I look foraward to seeing the video.

  2. I have edited it and added an introduction to each character explaining their roles.

  3. Imaginative investigation of character creation.
